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Aequitas58 04-16-06 02:13 AM

I got Punk'd.
Someone got me. Good.

Seems like a few of my internet accounts have been taken over. PokerStars, Neteller, and Yahoo, which contains my email account.

I had the Stars account shut down, and Stars security department is in the process of investigating any and all activity occuring between 6:30am and all times thereafter, including games played, money transfers or chip dumping scenarios.

I also had my Neteller account shut down after talking to support on Live Chat. Interestingly enough, this person attempted to tranfer funds from my bank account. GG Bank fraud! I had support cancel the transfer and close the account. They have recorded the attempt to withdraw funds from my bank account.

As far as my Yahoo account, I'm in the process of talking with support.

As I said, I got punk'd. Problem is, as of right now, I have no idea who it is. Could be someone that I know in real life (though I doubt it), or it could be someone online... possibly someone from this forum? I'm hoping to find out soon enough.

I hope that I can regain my accounts after this is all said and done.

Word to the wise: Double check your passwords, and make sure you are precautious.

PShabi 04-16-06 02:38 AM

Oh come on Lou!!! It's nothing that a little +rep can't cure!!!!!



Aequitas58 04-16-06 02:40 AM

Thanks. :)

jimmym 04-16-06 06:34 AM

This will more than likely be a breach from your own pc and more than likely someone you know, the same happened to me a while back

Its hard to take in that its someone you actually know well but they will tell you it was for a joke or they were drunk or some shit like that, if I was you I would let the security people from the sites deal with it and prosecute the lying stealing shit.

PShabi 04-16-06 08:20 AM

BTW, I kid because I care.

I'll have to agree with Jimmy. I'd start looking at that crazy girlfriend of yours. She's after your riches my man!!!!!

I ain't sayin' she's a gold digger. But, she ain't mess with no broke nigga.*

Get down Stace, go 'head get down!!!!!!

bunny 04-16-06 10:59 AM

Might also be someone hijacked your computer and has knowledge of all your passwords.

I'd run some programs to check computer.

Sad to hear. Hope it all works out for you. Keep us posted.

Talking Poker 04-16-06 11:48 AM

I agree with jimmym for sure. I don't care WHO it turns out to be, I'd go after them with every last inch of my lawyer schlong, if I were you.

Here's the thing: Yahoo will probably not be very helpful, because:
-They are too big
-They don't care
-There are no DIRECT financial implications of someone getting into your email

HOWEVER, Stars and ESPECIALLY Neteller are NOT going to be happy about this. They will do an investigation and should be able to track it down to the IP address of the person who did it. Once they do, they (or you, if they give you the info) can contact the owner of that IP Address (the ISP), and you can use some lawyer speak to have them give you that person's real name and address. And then - assuming it doesn't turn out to be YOUR computer (I'm guessing it won't be) - Bingo, you've got your man and can proceed with legal action. It probably won't be worth pursuing it civically (then again, as a lawyer, maybe that would be easy for you), but I think you should turn that person in to the authorities, with all the supporting info, and let them pursue it criminally. Then we'll see who really got punked. And if it turns out that this isn't the first offence for this person, or they are able to track down more illegal activity.... then the dude is fucked. And deserves to be.

Anyway, after all that rambling... this is still scary stuff. I just have to ask: How guessable were your passwords? Now that they have been breached, I'm guessing you'll never use them again, so maybe you could share them with us. Actually, that's probably still a bad idea, but I'm just wondering how easy they were - if they were random or had some sort of tie to you. Also, is it possible that your Stars/Neteller passwords were in your Yahoo mail somewhere, because if that's the case, they would only have needed to breach that one account to get into all three - and that could have easily been done by someone if you accidently left yourself logged in to Yahoo from ANY computer - your own, a friend's house, the local library, work. Really try to think it through and figure out where you've accessed that account. Also, be sure to deal with any other sensitive information that may have been in there - passwords for other sites, etc. You may even want to alert your bank and CC companies that you may have an identity theft problem on your hands (it doesn't take much) just to give them a heads up and Cover Your Ass in case more problems start showing up.

GL Lou. Keep us posted.

Aequitas58 04-16-06 11:51 AM

Nothing new to report as of yet.

Thanks for the replies so far...

Shabi: I doubt it's my girlfriend, but nice try - always tryna break us up. :)
Jimmy: As I said, I don't have any leads. This could be a person in real life or someone over the internet.
Bunny: We'll see. I've been running programs, so far so good.

Talking Poker 04-16-06 11:59 AM

What? No love for TP? Not gonna answer any of my questions or respond to any of my points?

Jerk. :D

Aequitas58 04-16-06 12:04 PM

First I want to regain access to my accounts, or at least make sure this person is finished what he/she's doing. That's first. Second, I'll be pursuing legal action. I'll save the details right now, but I'll keep everyone in the loop. Maybe. I would even consider possibly not pursuing legal action if this person came forward - IF (of course) it's someone online. If it's someone in real life, I'll probably think of something other than "legal" action.

As far as my passwords, it's probably not a good idea to divulge. :)

Thanks for the reply.

Aequitas58 04-16-06 12:04 PM

You speak too soon. :)

bunny 04-16-06 02:10 PM

Hoping you weren't silly enough to use "Scarlett Johannson" as a password. Many online people in this forum, know how much you admire and love her. ;)

ChipFish 04-16-06 02:17 PM

That sucks.
Glad you caught it.
Hope you find the bastard.

Stop using words like "brokeback" and "cowboypornlover" as passwords and you should be ok in the future. :p

SirFWALGMan 04-16-06 03:01 PM

How the heck do you think it happened? I bet people are hacking at passwords but do you use the same one for all of those accounts? Would someone need to know you to know you have Neteller, etc? That is just weird and scary!

SirFWALGMan 04-16-06 03:04 PM

Cmon Pshabi! Admit it! It is you!

Spuddy 04-16-06 03:23 PM

Wow..... thats just brutal....

I hope you don't get screwed.....

Good luck bro!

MAYHEM45 04-16-06 04:38 PM

I dont really know what else to say besides that sucks bro, so I will hook you up with a link to cheer you up.

jimmym 04-16-06 05:08 PM

more rep points....good:)

PShabi 04-16-06 05:21 PM


SirFWALGMan 04-16-06 05:56 PM

My Eyes! They Burn! Pretty cool though.

Aequitas58 04-16-06 07:25 PM

This is not entirely true - I can't conquer any fortress.

Thanks anyway.

Gordogg 04-16-06 08:31 PM

Made me laugh, sweet. :D

Sorry Aeq, sucks balls man. I hope you catch tha bastard.

bunny 04-16-06 11:04 PM

That blue shadow image at the end resembles "Mighty Mouse". ;)

Van_Broke 04-17-06 07:51 AM

Man that sucks Aeq. One thing you should look into is if you ever installed cracked software, particularily poker related. Pokertracker and the likes, not too hard to modify exe's and put in a keylogger or something.

Aequitas58 04-17-06 08:03 AM

Stay tuned...

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