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New Guy 11-30-06 06:46 PM

tracker question
Here are a couple of questions I could greatly benifit from if answered.

1) My comp moves so slow while I have 8 or so tables open.Any way to avoid the slow down

2) Is there anyway that when I open my pokerhud it will auto open tables I want to watch

3) What should I do exactly with all these hand files?

Thanks in advance.

Talking Poker 11-30-06 07:04 PM

This is going to be a tough post to respond to, because your questions aren't exactly "clear," but I'll do my best.

Hope that helps a little bit.

And I know I've said this over and over in the forum and to the person who keeps PMing me with very basic PT questions, but PLEASE do yourself a favor and read through the PT help files and watch the PAHud Tutorial on their site. Also, the PT and PAHud forums are excellent resources. Lastly, in both of the "Test Videos" I posted (in the Videos section here), I went over a lot of common PT/PAHud setup stuff, so go watch those. Also, search this forum, as we've talked about lots of this stuff as well.

It's just silly to keep going over the same things again and again (especially via PM where only one person benefits from it) when the info is all out there (and easy to find).

BrianSwa 11-30-06 07:34 PM


yea but having someone help you shouldnt be that big of a hassle for you, just common curtosy you could give someone since you have used it for so long. Alot of us are not real familier with all this stuff and the help files not always are very clear. I have read through them before and not given the answer but asked someone and figured it out right away, alot of people learn better from one on one other then reading tons of files. Thanks for the help in pm though I do appriciate the help.

on side note I finally got poker ace hud and Iam very very impressed.

Talking Poker 11-30-06 09:18 PM

Well then the least you could do is watch my videos (the "test" ones were almost entirely about PT and PaHUD) and stop asking me questions that I specifically address in there.

BrianSwa 11-30-06 09:25 PM


will do.

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