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jimmytheg 03-01-05 10:40 AM

Earn $150 a week for keeping a browser window open
As simple as the title sounds....just sign up and recieve up to $150 a week...either by mail or through paypal....just for keeping a browser window open. Works for dial-up as well as broadband. Up to $600 a month for nothing.

Spidey44 03-01-05 10:58 AM

So have you done this yet?

jimmytheg 03-01-05 11:11 AM

oh yeah...that's why i'm spamming it here. One of my buddies got me into it, and since my computer is on all the time i figured why not. So far i've made $9 bucks today. It really is simple...they dont ask for any kind of personal info, no credit card or social security numbers....just the address they should send your check too. Its a nice deal

Spidey44 03-01-05 11:27 AM

Cool. I'll give it a shot!

BrianSwa 03-01-05 12:20 PM

I went through your link to get you some money. popups are annoying but free money is free money.

Talking Poker 03-01-05 12:31 PM

Someone post here when you get a check. Until then, enjoy the popups.

jimmytheg 03-01-05 12:35 PM

there arent any popus per se...just the one single browser window that's not like a different window opens each time...and i've already gotten two checks from them

jimmytheg 03-01-05 01:17 PM

thanks for signing up brian swa, but they dont give out any sign up bonuses or anything....just a small portion of future earnings, like pokerchamps. You'll get the same amount as you always would, but they give out extra on top of that. So, let's make some money together

GeoffM 03-01-05 02:37 PM

This seems to be too good to be true, but in any event, I sit on a computer all day doing virtually nothing online other than this site, so why not try anyway :D .

Been on 20 minutes, made $0.20. I guess I won't need to ask for that big $0.50 an hour raise from work after all.

TP, only 1 popup every 5 minutes or so, but if you leave your computer on idle at home who cares, just close everything up when you return to it.

If this works, then I'd like to meet the people who are paying us off, and insult them for being such dumbasses.

GeoffM 03-01-05 02:51 PM

LOL, hey Jimmy, has your buddy ever gotten a bounced cheque, that's what I would be afraid of.

jimmytheg 03-01-05 02:54 PM

nope, both of the checks went through just fine.

after you've been doing it for a while you get up to .75 an that's the only way they can afford to do the advertisers themselves are basically paying yeah, its not a fortune, but cant hurt to get an extraw few thousand bucks a year for nothin right? thanks for signing up geoff. Be sure to check back when you've gotten your first check, to maybe ease any concerns people might have.

Talking Poker 03-01-05 02:59 PM

I understand the concept of how this works... It's a business model that's been tried before - it's just that it never worked.

Anyone heard of AllAdvantage? I made quite a bit of money off of them back in the day. The problem is, eventualy the advertisers realize they aren't getting their money's worth and back out and the whole thing collapses.

Maybe I don't understand this though... but it seems to me you only get paid while you are actively surfing the sponsor's sites... If you can just leave it open in the background, that's another thing.

GeoffM 03-01-05 03:28 PM

TP, every 30 seconds it rotates the sites for you, you don't have to physically type in and go to the sites. The only thing that happens is every 30 seconds the page will pop up on full screen, which you can simply move. Great for when playing poker and surfing REAL sites.

I've made $0.35 already :D .

Ok, so it isn't poker profit, but it is free money, and at least they clump together your money into 1 big cheque at the end of the month.

GeoffM 03-01-05 03:35 PM

Hey Jimmy, how does this work. Within 5 minutes I had 2 activity points, now none in almost an hour :confused: .

jimmytheg 03-01-05 03:45 PM

Yeah you just leave it on in the background tp and it autorefreshes.....

Geoff they give you the first 2 automatically then works up from there...i think you get 1 every hour on

Tony Cheval 03-15-05 03:46 AM

Anything new on this? Still working/getting paid?

Tony Cheval 03-15-05 11:00 PM

Considering the page won't come up now, I'm gonna go with 'no' until I hear otherwise. :confused:

omahilo 03-15-05 11:20 PM

I ran this by my friend today and he said he tried it before and got ripped off. He said that once your account gets so high that they will close it to avoid paying you.

He said that they have in their TOC that they can close your account at anytime and not pay you so I wouldnt do it.

Tony Cheval 03-15-05 11:22 PM

Ah, thanks for the headsup.

TajaUk 04-01-05 12:14 PM

lol, hes right. These things are doomed to fail. AllAdvantage was typical, good while it lasted but doomed to fail.

While at Uni doing my Comp degree 4-5 of us wrote programs that run 20 clients at the same time, sending different urls upstream to mimic browsing. These were run 24/7 and we had a massive tree of referalls to friends/family etc. For over 8months we were recieving around $900 a month ahh the fun we had.

DoctorEf 04-07-05 04:06 AM

Any updates on this? Jimmy, Geoff?

I haven't looked at this site in a while, I just happened to stumble across this thread. Sounds like it's a nice no-risk way to make a little extra $. I'm thinking I might sign up for it, provided it still works.

GeoffM 04-07-05 08:17 AM

I stopped going on. Quite frankly, for $0.45 an hour, I'd make more panhandling on Yonge Street.

PShabi 04-08-05 11:50 AM

Seriously, what does it cost to keep your computer running for an hour's worth of electricity. You may be losing money.

ChipFish 04-15-05 08:39 PM

Hey DoctorEF.
Did you pussy out on a wager?

DCopper was such a girly name anyways. This is much better. ;)

junYUN 04-19-05 02:20 PM

yeah i did this thing for about 2 weeks, because i wanted to see if there were really any results, and i would post it for you guys...and heres what happened:

- .45c an hour is a ridiculously small amount, if you didnt realize, and that's what you start at until you earn 100 "activity" points, then you move up to .50c an hour. for every 100 activity points you move up .05/hr until you reach your ceiling of .75c/hr. how hard is it to get activity points? well, after 15 hours of surfing i had accumulated a whopping 5 (2 of which are given immediatly at signup).

- the amount of popups makes it nearly impossible to use your computer while this crap is running, as not only does the "rotating" page pop up everytime it rotates, but also every minute or so a whole seperate popup comes up, which is really annoying. you can't leave it on an idle computer, because every 10-20 minutes the "rotating" popup shuts itself down, and you have to restart it all over again.

- after about every dollar earned, they also for some reason won't allow you to open the browser again for 5-10 hours. of course they don't "say" that, but what happens is you try to open to the ad browser and it will say you already have one open, and that your account has been "noted" as attempting to open more than one browser. as listed, after 3 "notices" your account can be shut down at any time. needless to say, i probably racked up 15-20 notices just trying to open the browser at random intervals to see if it was working yet.

- after the 2 week period, i had racked up 15-20 hours of browsing time, and went to log back on. all of a sudden it's saying my account information is wrong, it won't let me log in. now, i have firefox save my pw for this, so i know my info isnt wrong -- the site is just blocking me out so theres no chance of me getting paid. since there are absolutely no contact numbers or emails to contact anyone about listed on the website, there's really nothing you can do to communicate with someone on why your account is erring.

i really don't know how anyone would ever get paid on a site like this. not only can you not contact anyone, but i just don't see how you could possibly reach the $25 minimum payout. in short, this is a waste of time.

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