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BlackCoffee 12-26-04 05:49 AM

*sigh* can't beat bad players
Every have those sessions where some moron loses about $500 in a 4-8 game except that he rivered you 5 times in a row and you never beat him once? *sigh*

Penguinfan 12-26-04 11:14 AM

I feel your pain, and the old "they will pay you off eventually" excuse doesn't cut it with me, it still sucks.

Windbreaker 12-26-04 11:17 AM

Maybe you're the sucker on the table =P. Nah, usually if you lose that much on a table, you may look at finding another table. A lot of people can't play the same way and don't make the same decisions when they keep getting beat like that. it's better to find another game or watch some tv

johnbaker 12-26-04 07:25 PM

yeah theres nothing more depressing than a guy constantly rivering you for billions, then donating it all away to other people, and none back to you...

Gutzz 12-26-04 08:32 PM

oh man, this makes me more mad than anything. The other day someone doubled up off me twice in 1 session, and each time he gave the chips away less than 10 hands later! I wanted to scream at him for not letting me win it back :(.



Talking Poker 12-26-04 08:35 PM

Gotta love it.

The moron sucks out on you over and over and over again, but is then kind enough to spread your money arond the table. I guess he thinks he's Robin Hood - stealing from the talented and giving to the others.

Been there, hate that.

Chutups 12-26-04 09:43 PM

haha, that always happens to me, but I never thought of it like that.

BlackCoffee 12-27-04 04:24 AM

I ended up ok.. I was down nearly $300, but then he left and I actually did better! I went home down about $75.. I was almost even then took another hit. By then, it was 2am so I went home.

TajaUk 12-27-04 07:41 AM

It's a tuff one, getting beat by someone who's crap and getting lucky against you. But as others have said over time and with patience they will lose alot and you will take their chips from them. The thing I try and work on it timing and patience. I really dont want to have another bad beat on me by that person so I will really wait till the odds are stacked in my favour and go for it.

Hope your luck changes anyway.

junYUN 12-27-04 12:14 PM

yeah i was telling my friends that i dont want to play with a buncha of novices online, they're nearly unbeatable because it's 100% a luck game when you play them. the best you can hope for is to go in with the best cards (the helmuth "13") and hope to make them pay when you have the best hand.

jdiana86 12-27-04 12:42 PM

LOL, some home game players I recently hooked up with would play "crabs, or pocket 44's (gotta double check that one read it in a book), all the way through the hand no matter what. Although if you are still in the hand at that point it's not as funny, let me tell you firsthand there is nothing better than playing with a bunch of novices. They all have different reaasons why they sucks, they just suck, and we reap with the better of it. :)

jdiana86 12-27-04 12:44 PM

And in response to your trouble beating novices...Just play solid fundamental poker as you know it...tight/aggressive, only move in with BIG cards, and mix it up a bit. Good Luck

eddo31 12-27-04 05:44 PM

the novices just dont recognize what to do in different situations, and they get married to their underpairs, etc. this would be the worst possible situation to pull the TP QQ/JJ move.

i love the loose/passive tables that are usually jumping online and at foxwoods. sure, there can be a player or two that you just cant beat, but if you are taking money from 7 players, adn losing to 2, that will usually make for a pretty good session.

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