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Talking Poker 07-29-05 02:59 PM

August TPF Heads Up Championship Brackets...
Sadly, the details of this tournament are STILL not finalized. I can not express to you how disappointed I am in the poker sties I've been "working with" on this. Hopefully we'll have something set up soon, but our backup plan will be to play each match at - a small site that allows players to set up Play Money Heads Up matches.

I will post the official rules/regulations/requirements/prizes/etc. for this contest in the next couple of days, but since I've already generated the brackets, I figured I'd post them now. Let the smack talk begin!

It will be the responsibility of each Heads Up pair to contact each other (please use PMs) and set up a time to play within the given time frame (TBD, but Round 1 will likely be the entire week of August 1-August 7th).

If someone needs to back out of the competition for whatever reason (or of they are completely unreachable/unresponsive by, say, August 4th), we will be accepting alternates. So if you are not yet signed up and would like to play, please go post in this thread:

Ok, on to the moment we have all been waiting for. Here are the official brackets for the tournament (I will make a web page to track the results as we go, but for now, here they are - #1 plays #2, #3 plays #4, and so on):

Round 1 Matchups:

1 ahuth3r
2 nutbag
3 kkirk1329
4 BrianSwa
5 rchamberlin
6 robthedlphin
7 yellowcab
8 drewjax
9 JDMcNugent7
10 junYUN
11 kinger230
12 nflchad
13 2Tone
14 ChipFish
15 Pshabi
16 Aequitas58
18 mister_frank
19 Tony Cheval
20 Quint
21 Windbreaker
22 Zybomb
23 lightfungus
24 Talking Poker
25 omahilo
26 PokerNovice
27 The_Gunt
28 MathBabe
29 greenbuckets
30 Gordogg
31 BlibbityBlabbity
32 GeoffM

In case anyone is interested, here's how I generated these: I took the list of participants and put them into Excel. Then I sorted them alphabitically. Then I went here, and generated a random sequence of 32 numbers:

I pasted the results next to the names, and then resorted to create the bracket. Tada!

Edit: Official Contest Thread:

BrianSwa 07-29-05 03:24 PM

we can play our matches on the 1st then right?

Aequitas58 07-29-05 03:45 PM

This is great!
I draw Shabi in the first round, and then the winner of Tone / Chip.


Here's to starting off easy.

Talking Poker 07-29-05 03:53 PM


Talking Poker 07-29-05 03:58 PM

No kidding, right? I had a feeling you guys would like how that worked out.

My first two rounds aren't a walk in the park either. First I have lightfungus (who has dominated the BBC this month), followed by Windbreaker/Zybomb.

BTW, I'm certainly not suggesting the above mentioned players are any better than some of the brand new people, but because they have made a lot more posts, they will likely get more pre-tourney "respect."

Meanwhile, did anyone notice the 3/4 match? I am so railing that one...

Zybomb 07-29-05 04:01 PM

I think it should be made a rule that if these two do not post what day and time they are playing the match doesnt count and they have to repeat it. Estimated PPV buy rate 4.7


kkirk1329 07-29-05 04:34 PM

most likely going to be on the first of the month because brian said he has a busy month coming up most likely in the morning because he said thats when hes availible

Aequitas58 07-29-05 04:54 PM

Why are you guys so interested in sweating the Brian/Kirk match? I hope it's the drama factor...

I'm interested in the TP match w/ Light, Chip's massacre of Tone (Sorry buddy, lol), and Shabi's quick exit. :) OH!!!!!!!!

Talking Poker 07-29-05 05:06 PM


lightfungus 07-29-05 06:48 PM

Gonna be a fun month, or at least a couple of days. I was hoping to draw something easier to go deeper. Hope you arent allergic to the fungus TP! :eek:

kinger230 07-29-05 07:21 PM

Poker Face
Since I am a rookie, do you guys recommend that I wear my poker shades to the tourney? :D
I do not know nflchad but if we wait till the NFL season starts maybe I'll have better chance of taking him down!!!!
I look forward to it and will give it the ol' Kinger effort.
BTW, is a pair of pocket 2's worth going all in for pre-flop at a 10 player table if you are first to act? NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All IN- All the TIME

Talking Poker 07-29-05 07:41 PM

Sadly, I probably am. I just lost to... kirk :o

kkirk1329 07-29-05 07:43 PM

alright alright am i THAT bad?

Talking Poker 07-29-05 07:48 PM

Apparently not. Or maybe I'm THAT much worse!

kkirk1329 07-29-05 07:52 PM

coming from a guy that placed 6th in a wsop event.

got the 10.

PShabi 07-29-05 11:03 PM

Didn't think you'd be going back to school so quickly after the bar did ya?

I'm ya Huckleberry.

PShabi 07-29-05 11:04 PM


What are we playing for again? There is a prize right?

And if we don't play Bugsy are we buying in?

I want to buy-in?

Free money is for fairies.

BlibbityBlabbity 07-29-05 11:46 PM

Talking Poker 07-29-05 11:49 PM


BlibbityBlabbity 07-29-05 11:49 PM

Keep it big (going off the screen)? or thumbnail?

Talking Poker 07-29-05 11:52 PM

It doesn't go off my screen, but it is pretty big. Can you thumbnail it and link it to the full sized version? I can host them if you like... just send me the full sized image and I'll set it up.

BlibbityBlabbity 07-29-05 11:54 PM

Now it is thumbnailed....I hosted it through Imageshack which lets you do either of these for free.

2Tone 07-29-05 11:55 PM

If we can work out a simple method for entry payments, I'm in. Mr. Chamberlin, I'm not all that familiar with your play, but I have you going very deep ...

Talking Poker 07-29-05 11:56 PM

Yeah, but it looks like they shrunk the full sized one. It's kinda grainy.

BlibbityBlabbity 07-29-05 11:58 PM

OK, I put it back to full size and I will send you a copy in case you want to give it a page off your main site instead....

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