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jimmym 12-12-05 07:10 PM

Hello All.

I have asked TP for some advice, and would like some advice from the forum members. TP responded and hopefully you guys and gals my help.

Hello TP.

I am PMing you as I need some advice on what to do next with my poker, I will be happy to open this up to the forum but first I would really appreciate your comments. I have now been playing online only apart from a couple of live games for nearly 3 years. The first year I was learning, the second year I was still learning but keeping notes,reading books ect.

This year I am struggling to get a grip and place in important tournaments, I only play on PS and only SNGs and tournaments.

The problem I have is I dont know were to go next, I tend to enter tournaments of any value, I can sit with 1000+ ppl playing in a $1 torny and seem to place yet in the bigger games $50+ I get in a good posistion and then tend to only concern myself with trying to reach the money, My mistakes are costing me possible wins and some decent money.

I dont know what am really asking you to answer and yet I know you have some good knowledge, I suppose the answers are allready posted on the forum.

The easiest way would be for me to ask you if you can find the time and look at thepokerdb at my tournament results and give me some honest feedback.

Thanks for your time and any comments.

TP- responded =

You should definitey post this and get some feedback from everyone, not just me.

The first thing that comes to mind is me wondering if you are playing DIFFERENTLY in the $50 toureys than the $1 ones. Maybe you are palying with scared money?

My response = I was thinking this myself, I know I have the ability to step up and yet I dont like losing $ (who does), so I tend to get to a certain stage and then freeze, the problem I am finding is that I am doing it to often, I have even folded AA just to protect my stack only to later go out just before the money places, Its poor play and I realise this, am hoping someone has a sensible answer besides what Ive thought myself (give up).

As for the poker db, it doesn't really man anything, as it only lists your cashes, and not the tourneys where you don't cash, you know? So it's hard to really know how someone is doing just by looking at that.

My response = I understand this, my concern is that I am one minute playing in a $200 tournament only to follow this with a $1, I suppose my last answer will answer this one.

Looks like you play a LOT!

My response = I love playing, I like the PS tournaments allthough I know I have a game problem can I just say I dont have a problem with what its costing me, I spend online what I can afford and allthough down over the past 3 years I am up this year. I have final tabled 27 times this year and only managed to win once, but I do need help with my game.

Thanks TP for the quick response.

Talking Poker 12-12-05 08:59 PM

Telling me you have folded AA preflop to protect your stack tells me you are definitely playing with scared money. Would you have folded it if the buy in was only $1? Stick to limits where you are comfortable and aren't afraid to play "right."

BlibbityBlabbity 12-12-05 09:04 PM

I think making "correct" tournament decisions in each situation (ideally) comes with disassociating yourself with the buyin once you have entered the tourney. Whether in a $1 or a $200 try to forget what the buyin was and focus on making correct decisions and making the correct play in each situation to get you as far in the tourney as you can. The money at the final table is a bonus when you can get there whether the buyin was big or small.

OOOHYEA69 12-12-05 09:11 PM

I have to say that just reading this has opened my eyes as to why I can win $100 in some Limit $1/$2 in say a couple of hours, then step up a notch and lose it in 45 minutes. I am playing scared because I'm in an area I am not comfortable. I mean I guess this isn't really a head spinning revelation, but just reading it from someone else seems to drive it home a little bit harder. Anyway, thanks for letting me "rail" on your comments.

drewjax 12-12-05 09:24 PM

This is another reason why I prefer limit holdem to NL, as far as cash games go. I think it is easier to think of the $ as chips, simply a big bet or a small bet. Not this bet will cost me $34 dollars and the next round will probably cost me $75. In limit you can say, I can see the river for 1 small bet and 1 big bet, or whatever. Maybe this is somewhat similar to tournaments as well, in that you can think of them more as chips. Your buy-in is secured and now you just play with the chips.
Good advise from TP, and Blib.

jimmym 12-12-05 09:27 PM

I know what you say is right TP, in tournaments upto $50 I manage to do well and enjoy my play, although still not fully. But I know now I need to stay around this level until I sort out my gremlins. thanks

jimmym 12-12-05 09:31 PM

Great advice and 1 I will sure use, focus on making correct decisions and making the correct play in each situation to get you as far in the tourney I will sure try to do this from now on. cheers

Zybomb 12-13-05 03:36 PM

simply put you can not think of the chips as money while they are in play. Last night in a cash game someone went all in for 25 bucks, the next player said ok im all in too?!?! 350? I had about 600 in front of me, look down to see AA!?!??!

I said ok Im all in also

If I think about it logically 600 dollars on 2 cards with 5 to come???? on one hand???

But I don't , I think of it as chips, and I play what is the correct move

If you are uncomfortable witht he stakes move down, dont play scared you wont win

Reel Deal 12-13-05 04:43 PM

Make an investment in...

Harrington on Hold Em Vols. 1 & 2

Reel Deal 12-13-05 04:44 PM

Oh, and stick around here and read what these guys have to say... they're good. :cool:

Boobie Lover 12-13-05 09:57 PM

I always liked the personality test that is in Barry Greenstein's Ace on the River. Here is the one that relays to this topic,

Q: Do you know the value of the dollar?
A: Knowing the value of money is negatively correlated to being a good poker player. I have never heard anyone say, "He is not afraid to bluff for his last dollar, but he is a careful shopper."

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