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Talking Poker 01-24-06 01:26 PM

User Rep Poll: Should it Stay or Should it Go?
Here is the thread that explains the User Reputation System, and all the comments to date about it (both good and bad):

I just made , and then realized it should be a poll. Duh.

So, what do you think? Is the User Rep system a good thing or a bad thing?

PShabi 01-24-06 01:34 PM

Leave it.

ChipFish 01-24-06 01:35 PM

leave it

Robbie Robb 01-24-06 01:40 PM

./` "...It's always tease, tease,'re happy when I'm on my knees..." ./`

In agreement with what you mentioned about looking through the SPAM section and sports section (though I don't be on sports).

On the flip side of that, it can also be used to see how much weight to put behind a person's opinions on hand histories, etc. After all, do I put more confidence in someone like Zybomb with 3 little green squares when he says "you should have folded there dumbass" or some other person with a grey square or a low score green square that says "nice call except I'd have pushed all-in there". Thanks for the sage advice Zy! Made a note of it!

Talking Poker 01-24-06 01:47 PM

Good point. Noted.

BTW, as for your little quote at the start of your post, not only is that EXACTLY what I was thinking when I titled this thread, but the song has been in my head ever since.

Damn... we DO think a lot alike.

Poor N1kita. :D

Nikita 01-24-06 05:42 PM

I like the rep, keep it.

And fortunately, I enjoy Rob's sense of humour. So I actually get a chuckle out of your funny posts. It's just weird to think that the same words could be coming from Rob too.

Talking Poker 01-24-06 05:58 PM

Wow. The results of this poll are pretty clear. Guess it was unnecessary. :o

eejit101 01-24-06 06:39 PM

i like it, but not many people rep me for some reason, id like to think i add value posts here, perhaps your all racist cos im british:D

FatRufus 01-24-06 07:17 PM

I like this idea, i also like the idea of seeing who leaves you your rep points but i understand all the controversy and fights it would start

HEwong 01-24-06 09:47 PM

im asian andi got -1 lol we can switch places.

HEwong 01-24-06 09:48 PM

oh a post on topic. i like the rep thing as long as people dont give out negative rep for the hell of giving negative rep or because they just plain old dont like someone, cuz that would be gay then

Gordogg 01-24-06 11:25 PM

I don't use it much. Plus if people are fighting it's an easily abused system. If you are here long enough you learn who to listen too. Not that my vote matters in the landslide. :)

Talking Poker 01-24-06 11:28 PM

True. But you giving feedback via the rep system will help NEW people know who to listen to and who not to... Giving rep has absolutely no benefit to the individual giving it. It's for the good of the community...

rookette22 01-25-06 04:06 PM

What good is it if it's not aimed at what the is about?

Robbie Robb made a good point;

Yes Robbie, this would work so much better, if the REP SYSTEM would be solely based on POKER which by the looks of it now is not!

My suggestion?
Keep the rep system for the General Poker related threads only....this way people will know where to go if they need to ask a poker related question or need help with poker or anything else from this section.

As for how 'liked or disliked / cool or uncool' a person is ....make it something else ...something like a (Good and Bad) Karma System.

FatRufus 01-25-06 05:08 PM

I find most of the reps votes are due to a disliking between people, not because of the quality of there actual posts

Hawt 01-25-06 06:16 PM

Well when you create two accounts and you start flaming your other account with your new account, people are going to dislike you and negative rep should be expected.

FatRufus 01-25-06 06:27 PM

i understand that much but i dont think that it if you dislike someone you should give them negative rep. If its for the quality of a post or lack there of so be it.

HEwong 01-25-06 07:53 PM

wow some dirty bastard gave me neg rep for this post saying .. you mean like this???

Talking Poker 01-25-06 08:23 PM

Unfortunately, there is no way to taylor the rep system to apply to poker related posts only. But I don't think we need to anyway. You say it's not working, but 90% of the time that I'm giving out positive rep, it's for poker posts anyway. 95% of the negative rep I give out is for ridiculous spam, people welching on bets, people going off on other people unnecessarily, and that sort of thing.

Take a look at the people with the highest rep levels right now: Zybomb, pshabi, me.... I have to think we probably are at the top of the list when it comes to contributing to poker related threads around here, right?

Now look at the people who have red bars.... how many of them are big time poker discusson contributors? I'll guess 0.

It's working.

Not only that, but how about this example: If someone comes on here and cons people out of money (regardless of how they do it), we need to be able to give them negative Rep, right? Well, if their scam happens to be in the Sports Section (not poker), for example, we still need to be able to give them feedback. See what I mean?

Sure, it may not be a perfect system, and some people may "abuse" their Rep giving ability (these people tend to have have very little Rep altering power anyway, if any), but over time, it will all work out. It's kinda like luck in poker: In the short term, you may take some bad beats, but in the end, the best players will end up with the most money. I believe the Rep system will work out the same way. It's still too new to say for sure right now, but looking at a currently 23-2 vote, it's not going away. And that's that.

Oh, and about that "cool/uncool" thing... I see no reason to have a popularity contest around here. That's not what the Rep System is for, and I wouldn't add a Popularity Poll even if the functionality was available (it's not). I can think of no good that would come out of that.

Talking Poker 01-25-06 08:29 PM

I disagree with this. I can't speak for everyone, of course, but I know the Rep I give out has nothing to do with liking or disliking someone.

But even if that was the case, back up a bit. What made that person be liked or disliked anyway? I doubt anyone here is disliked for the superior poker knowledge they have and all the great poker strategy posts they contribute to the site. I also doubt that anyone is liked for their bullshit posts, scams, and that sort of thing. Think about it....

If you got negative rep for creating a new account and fake arguing with yourself, for example, I'm guessing it WAS because of the quality of those posts. That sort of thing is a waste of everyone time, and adds nothing to the board. Not only that, but people will undoubtedly feel like you are trying to "trick" them, which is also a good reason to give negative Rep, IMO...

PShabi 01-25-06 08:29 PM

Wow. That's low.

Talking Poker 01-25-06 08:31 PM

Like I said, it's not a perfect system. It does have a number of safeguards that prevent a single person from completely sabotaging everything though. I still believe that in the long run, it will work out just fine.

Talking Poker 01-25-06 08:46 PM

The problem that I have with the Rep system is the vastly different amounts of power certain people have. Rep Altering Power is based on how long you have been here, your post count, and your Rep.

I don't have the exact numbers, and I don't feel like figuring it all out, but I can give something like 22 points of Rep for every click I make. 22 Points! Meanwhile, pshabi is able to give something like 10, but there are lots of quality posters who are only able to give 1 point at a time.

Every little bit counts, of course, but it just seems crazy to me that I should have so much more power than anyone else because I have such a high post count. I've looked at tweaking the formulas, but nothing I can think of would reall fix the problem.

So because of this, I give less Rep out now that I did when we first got started. In a way, this is lame, because I think everyone should be giving out Rep all the time, but I don't want MY views to override those of 22 newer users, ya know?

Unfortunately though, I really don't see a way around this.

Nikita 01-25-06 09:09 PM

Is it possible to default it so everyone gives the same amount of rep. So current rep, post count etc. would not have an effect? This might help with your issue.

Or maybe have the amount of rep someone can give out be related to their current amount of rep only. So someone like Shabi would boost rep more than someone like me, as he has three bars and I have one. Although, I'm not sure what you would want to do with someone with negative rep or neutral rep, maybe have it set like it is for the neutrals now, they can rep, but it doesn't actually have an effect. This might help alleviate the formulas you might have to deal with.

Robbie Robb 01-25-06 09:12 PM

Speaking of rep, did you remember to look into that uCash thing or whatever it was that we posted about while you were at Atlantis?

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