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2Tone 09-19-06 04:27 PM

Online gambling bill update
Some good, some bad ...

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., tried to attach an Internet gambling ban to a defense bill last week but was rebuffed by two powerful senators, congressional sources said Monday.

Despite the setback, advocates said GOP leaders will keep trying to add an online wagering prohibition to must-pass legislation until Congress adjourns this year.

Frist approached Sen. John Warner, R-Va., chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and asked him to add an Internet gambling ban to a defense authorization bill, according to congressional staffers who requested anonymity.

Talking Poker 09-19-06 04:50 PM

I think it's so ridiculous that that type of schenanigans is even an OPTION in Congress. I mean, how can that be allowed???

Kurn 09-21-06 04:55 PM

These kind of shenanigans are typical of how Congress operates, especially in an election year. It's not unique to this specific issue, nor to one party or the other.

The more this delays, the better it is. Now the big casinos are seeing how much they can make from online gambling, and as that grows, so will the lobbying efforts.

Kurn 09-21-06 05:04 PM

FYI - Analysis of the Wire Act...
...and its applicability to online gambling

Tony Cheval 09-21-06 05:40 PM

As it is, they're really pushing me to actually go vote this time and just find the least dingbat non-Republicrat for every position. :rolleyes:

Kurn 09-22-06 09:46 AM

Though I am loathe to even consider voting for a Democrat even though I completely disagree with the social conservative wing of the GOP, I also recognize that the three most prosperous periods in this country in my lifetime have been when thepresident has been from one party and the Congress has been controlled by the other.

An interesting point, in addition to reinforcing the concept that politics makes for strange bedfellows, the two best allies online gambling has in the House are Barney Frank (D-MA), and Ron Paul (R-TX). Of the two, congressman Paul, who once ran for President as a candidate from the Libertarian Party, is probably the most supportive of almost every aspect of individual liberty.

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