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Penguinfan 03-21-05 07:05 PM

7:00 $5.50 $3000 guaranteed at UB
They covered by 67 people, is it always this close for place with guaranteed prize money? Seems like Stars or Party would have 2000+ in a game like this.

It just started so with the luck factor I have been assigned on that site I will play my first hand around 9:30 or so, I'll keep you posted.

Talking Poker 03-21-05 07:15 PM

I'm actually in the other tourney at UB that started at the same time... the $30 one. I like these small buy in tourneys.... they are a nice change of pace for me.

There is one yutz at my table who has checked raised me the minimum (the size of my bet) on the flop and then followed it up with a minimum bet on the turn (a fraction of the pot) and then a HUGE bet on theriver 4 times now. I can not WAIT to trap this guy and and take all his chips. It's just a matter of time.

Penguinfan 03-21-05 07:18 PM

I am on a very thin bankroll these days so the $5 game suits me fine, I keep telling myself I am rebuilding. Actually just avoiding making a deposit for as long as possible. Had the theory I would take care of it better if every hand counted.

The game I am in is rediculous, all you need is some cards and people are in line to double you up. Guy just called a huge bet with A9o when the board had 4 to a straight and 3 to the flush showing. Just need some cards.

Penguinfan 03-21-05 07:28 PM

Got a hand to play KK and doubled up against a guy with QQ, how he didn't catch the 2-outer, I have no idea. There was a guy in the pot with 3-4 off suit as well, not sure where he came from.

Penguinfan 03-21-05 07:55 PM

Looking good so far TP, I'm checking in on you now and then and the stack is bigger each time.

Penguinfan 03-21-05 07:58 PM

Who is Sea334?

sea 03-21-05 08:04 PM

That's me
Trying to learn by watching. There's so much folding that I'm not getting much out of it...

Talking Poker 03-21-05 08:06 PM

I assume that's Sea from here.

P.S. Told you it was just a matter of time before I got all that guy's chips. Freaking took me long enough!

I'm sitting at about 10,500 chips now - 4th place out of 33 players remaining. 12 get paid, so expect about a 14-16th place finish from me.

Penguinfan 03-21-05 08:08 PM

My God do you sound like me now!

Talking Poker 03-21-05 08:10 PM

That hand, when you both ":)" - I had the straight... on the turn. The river was unfortunate (a card I already had) as it made the straight more obvious on the board. I figured my best chance to get that guy to call was to move all in, and hopefully it would look fishy and he'd have something he could call with. No such luck, but I got him later ;)

This is my first 6 handed tourney. So far, I like it a lot.

Talking Poker 03-21-05 08:12 PM

You're angry. I'm used to it.

Fear not though - I'll bust out with AA, KK, QQ, or AKs against a far inferior hand.

Aequitas58 03-21-05 08:15 PM

If you are serious about rebuilding, you should probably put the $5 into a cheap cash game as opposed to a large MTT. Better chances of maximizing EV, in my opinion.

omahilo 03-21-05 08:16 PM

in the UB tourneys, do you start with 2500 chips?

Talking Poker 03-21-05 08:19 PM

The big ones are 2500, I think. The $100 one I did was. this one was only 1500... still a lot better than Party's structure, IMO. I like the smaller fields too.

Penguinfan 03-21-05 08:19 PM

I just doubled up again, though I am not proud of it. Guy to my right limped in when all folded in front of him, he always raised with any pair or AK, I had Tens and figured I was a coin flip against his hand and wanted everyone else out so I pushed in and everyone but him folded, he had AQ and I survived the coin flip. This was probably a horrible play on my part, but I can honestly say I had no idea how to play it. If my read on the guy next to me was right and I just called (or raised and he called) when the flop hit I would have had to fold to any bet since it was k-k-9.

This is something I could really use help with.


omahilo 03-21-05 08:21 PM

yeah thats why I like FTP... they have small fields even in the $10 tournies. They also have a very favorable blind structure.

Talking Poker 03-21-05 08:27 PM

I disagree. Can't go into a long explanation now, but this was a great flop for your pair. I like a call preflop and then the push after the flop. I think it's a safer play. If the flop is little cards, great. If it's overs, you can get of it and pick a better spot.

Just my two cents. I'll be interested to see what others (ahem, Kurn) think.

Penguinfan 03-21-05 08:27 PM

I'm not that short on the bankroll yet Aeq, I've got plenty to play in the $5.00 games, I have always played well within my bankroll, ALWAYS. It's just that I can't really play in the $30 or $50 games right now.

Penguinfan 03-21-05 08:32 PM

Just got a kick in the nuts and I mean hard. Had J6 in the BB flop was J-6-4 I bet the pot and get one caller, turn is a 10 I put him all in and he calls with KQ and catches and A in the river for the straight or I could fold my way to the money.

omahilo 03-21-05 08:33 PM

I agree with TP... this is a good flop for your TT because whenever the board pairs the odds of him having the card that paired is nil and the other card was below your PP of TT so I would of pushed with it.

Talking Poker 03-21-05 08:33 PM

Ouch... that hurts. Hang in there.

I'm currently 2nd out of 17 players remaining, meaning it's just about time for me to get knocked out holding a monster.

omahilo 03-21-05 08:35 PM

how much for 1st TP?

Penguinfan 03-21-05 08:37 PM

If I just call it lets people behind me in, one of which said he was holding K 10. How much he would have called I have no idea.

omahilo 03-21-05 08:39 PM

yeah I was assuming it was just you and the other guy... dunno what u would of did if 3 or 4 people got in for some reason and it was bet/raised to you.

Penguinfan 03-21-05 08:42 PM

Put a guy all-in when I was holding AJs and he limped in, well he limped with KK. No help in sight of course, though I didn't deserve any. This will be my undoing. At least it was my fault for a change. Dammit, would it stop the world from spinning for me to catch and A in that spot? God knows it happens the other way often enough.

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