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Ivey67 11-21-05 05:37 PM

Colts 16-0
Will the Colts go 16-0 this year? If the Colts can win there next three games this year and their good players are not benched there last game then I think there is a good chance that they will go win every game. They are just playing so good right now that I don't think any team can beat them right now.

Gordogg 11-21-05 05:56 PM

There's no way they will go 16-0. Parity in the NFL is too huge in this day and age.

wdson01 11-21-05 06:03 PM

idn the colts are doing pretty damn amazing this year but how 'bout them bears :D but i think the colts will go 16-0 this year they have too much momentum on their side right noww

Talking Poker 11-21-05 07:03 PM

The Colts will lose to the Chargers.

Print it.

Reel Deal 11-22-05 09:25 AM

They will lose here in Jax... and I will be there to witness it.

olysports 11-23-05 02:21 PM

I agree, how bout them Bears. I can see them now, pulling off victories in the playoffs and then beat the Colts in the superbowl. I know it is a slm chance, but I do believe in miracles.

olysports 11-23-05 02:24 PM

I think the Colts may actually go 16-0. If there defense can stay as good as they have been playing this season, and if they dont sit there best players in the last game or 2, then I think that the Colts will go 16-0.

akajeff 11-24-05 04:49 PM

Yup no injuries and they actually go for the 16-0 season they good do it. Would be some good history. I dont know if they have the depth to do it in the playoffs though. I think someone will upset them.

wdson01 11-24-05 06:49 PM

yes theres a very slim chance for the bears going all the way but i believe they will go pretty damn far with the way their defense is playing...

BTW what do you think the bears will do with rex grossman?

olysports 11-26-05 06:36 PM

with the rex grossman situation, i think that as long as the Bears are winning, they will keep Orton at starting QB, but if they don't do so well at the home stretch of the season, then they might try out grossman back at QB. However, grossman will definitely be moved to 2nd string QB when he is healthy.

Favre[4] 11-27-05 05:28 PM

I think Colts will lose to the steelers tommarrow night and if they dont they have a tough scedule and their defense isnt that good.l

olysports 11-27-05 05:43 PM

I think they will beat the Steelers tomorrow night. However, from what I heard in the news recently, the Colts will start sitting there starters once they clinch home field advantage throughout the playoffs and if that happens, I can see the Colts losing 1 or maybe even 2 games this season, depending when they start sitting some of there starters.

Reel Deal 11-28-05 09:59 AM

Nevermind, with Leftwich out I have little hope we can beat the Colts. :(

Favre[4] 11-28-05 05:53 PM

That really sucks, i hope the colts dont go 16-0 , i dont know why. I like everyone on the team expet Manning. I dont know why i dont like Manning but i like Eli Manning lol. I just dont think they can do it because their defense still isnt good anough and teams with a good offense and a decent/good defense will beat them.

olysports 11-28-05 07:50 PM

How good is this Garrard person? Cause if he isn't to good, I am hoping that the Chargers can slip into one of the wildcard sports in the AFC, maybe knocking out the Jags, since I used to live in San Diego when I was young.

Favre[4] 11-28-05 08:36 PM

Yeah i hope the Chargers slip into the wild card too. They are a very good team even with their record. They have the hardest schedule in the leagues esspecialy playing like 5 games against opponents coming off bye weeks.

Reel Deal 11-29-05 09:32 AM

Garrard is a good back-up. He's a mobile guy with a strong arm, his weaknesses are being inaccurate and making some poor decisions (he takes off out of the pocket too soon and focuses on one WR too often). Having said that though, other than the Colts the Jags schedule is so soft (Browns, Titans, Texans, 49ers) that even with Garrard they should win 3 of those games and finish 11-5 and with wins over Cincy and Pitt they'd be a lock for a wildcard spot.

lightfungus 11-29-05 10:13 AM

I have 10 dollars on the Colts going undefeated in regular season... anyone?

Talking Poker 11-29-05 10:52 AM

I'm tempted. I still think they are going to lose to SD (and if not, Seattle), but I'm rooting for them....

lightfungus 11-29-05 02:29 PM

I think I would have made this bet last week before BL got hurt. ANyone?

Reel Deal 11-29-05 02:49 PM

If Lefty didn't get hurt, yeah, I would have definitely taken that bet.

tke001 11-29-05 03:11 PM

If the Colts get to 14-0, they will have homefield advantage throughout the playoffs and Dungy will bench most the starters to avoid injury. Dungy isn't one of the killer instinct, flamboyant coaches that would really care all that much about going undefeated and have a 16-0 season. Prediction : 14-2 with losses to Seattle and San Diego

olysports 11-29-05 06:59 PM

well the colts won another non-close game against the Steelers and now are 5 games away from 16-0. They will have some tough competition in the home stretch, so there is a good chance that they may lose at least one game.

420Smurf 11-29-05 08:12 PM

Beware of the SeaHawks
It would be quite a feat indeed if Peyton and the Colts can go 16-0 this year, I am rooting for him and his team to do so, not going to be easy though with a game in Seattle with a juiced team like the SeaHawks. A team to keep an eye on as the playoffs near , the closer we get the better they are playing. Charges game should be a breeze compared to the Seattle game for the Colts. But if they can do it, Go COLTS!!!!

Mariusz123 11-30-05 04:14 PM

The Colts will be undefeated this year but as soon as they are in the playoffs they will choke in the first round.

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