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MAYHEM45 01-12-06 09:15 PM

I hate live poker.
Played in a freeroll tonite at the university pub, and came to this realization.

Online poker > Live poker. No pants >>> Pants.

Seriously though, I cant stand sitting and folding for hours on end and then getting sucked out on to finish me off. I had my ipod with me to kill the time, but other than that I was bored to tears.

Limit poker at Casino Windsor isn't much better, so slow and boring and the rake is atrocious, even at 5-10. NL is another story though. NL at the casino is like shooting fish in a barrel, fish that immediately get replaced by newer, dumber fish. There I dont really mind folding for hours at an aggressive table and running over a passive one, but it is still always in the back of my head that I could be making more online.

Playing with friends is what I really enjoy, but we havent had a home game in a couple months. The most people we ever get together is 3 or 4 and that is no fun at all. When that happens we just get wasted and who cares about cards.

I just think I get tilted way too easily, and while I never let it affect my play, it definitely sours my mood at the table, and I think the other players pick up on that.

Does anyone else feel the same as me?

Robbie Robb 01-12-06 10:16 PM

Haven't had the opportunity to play live in a casino or any pub. Only live play we've done is the home game thing. Last week's home game we had 17 people playing across two tables. Winner walked away with $78 from a $10+2 buyin.

If you're not doing anything on Saturday the 11th of Feb, you should drive up! (expensive/long night though with gas and travel time factored in) We're hoping to have a full house with 20 people at that one. (only have two tables and really don't have room for any more)

Zybomb 01-12-06 10:25 PM

Do you guys really rake a home tournament :eek: and 20%!?!?:eek: :eek: :eek:

Govman6767 01-12-06 10:25 PM

Originally Posted by Govman6767
In all my years playing poker all the bad beats I've taken I can't remember even once going on tilt in a live card room.
In my 2 years playing online I have 3 broken chairs, 2 holes in my closet doors, 1 hole in my wall, boxspring on my bed is broke, the cables on my computer speakers are ruined, 2 shattered picture frames, broken beer bottles, broken coffee mugs and numerous finger fractures.
I play much better in a brick room than at home.
I have more fun at home hooting and hollering
I win more online
I lose less in a brick room
I think I should quit poker forever and join the peace corp somewhere where in africa where cards are unheard off..... but then again I'd rather die of a poker induced heart attack or lung cancer from brick rooms then catch a blowdart in the neck from some hooligan

" May your wins be plenty nuff' to cover your house repairs

HONESTLY THOUGH You cannot enjoy the poker experience online
there is nothing like sitting across from a total stranger and try to figure out what he's thinking. Home games do not even compare to this feeling

wildcard1433 01-13-06 12:03 AM

raking at home
The only plausible reason I see to rake a home tourney is maybe for pizzas and/or beer that the host might take the duty to get, but if there is a rake for the host just for the host to keep or whatever is ridiculous.

Robbie Robb 01-13-06 07:55 AM

Yeah, we use it for the food & pop. We usually have quite a spread laid out for the guests - chips, veggies, dips, cheese & crackers, a few different kinds of pop (no pepsi products). We still don't actually make any money from it though. For the one we just had we brought in $30 for food and spent about $11 on chips, $20 on veggies and dips, $15 on cheeses, $20-30 on pop. We're obviously still going to have pop left over on the 11th for the next one so we'll recoup some of the loss there. The veggies were a HUGE hit though. Probably going to make even more veggies for the next one.

We don't mind paying for some of the food, but there was no way we were going to cover the whole cost. Even thought Nikki & I finished 2nd & 3rd, we still wouldn't really have made enough to cover the food if we didn't charge. If we ever find ourselves where we're spending less than what we bring in with the rake, then we'll lower the rake.

Zybomb 01-13-06 03:30 PM

SODA :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

JDMcNugent7 01-13-06 04:15 PM

THANKYOU! lol i hate when people call it PoP.

Zybomb 01-13-06 05:00 PM

i responded to this, but put it in the general discussion section since this is getting off topic

MAYHEM45 01-13-06 05:03 PM

Ahem, slightly.

PShabi 01-13-06 05:32 PM

It's POP!!!

Actually, I've started to say "soda" more, after 5 years in Florida. But it was pop before that.

studiopet 01-13-06 05:33 PM

You all are smoking crack......its a CARBONATED BEVERAGE.

junYUN 01-13-06 07:40 PM

live poker definitely gets my vote... but online theres more profit potential in the fact that you can play multiple tables... and theres always an empty seat.

oh yeah, its soda.

adam13 01-14-06 04:48 AM

In Canada it's definitely POP....just like in America where WATER is pronounced BEER for some reason?!?!? :eek: :D

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