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ashmc2 04-29-06 03:38 PM

I didn’t play a lot this week. I was disinterested for some reason. I think I was depressed a little, because I was sleeping like 16 to 18 hrs a day. I loss around $40 these 4 days off. That still leaves my online bankroll at $1875. I’m still playing $50 NL quite regularly. I play $25 NL more frequently because that’s where my brother-in-law plays, plus that’s a goodly stake as any to knock-off Party’s oft-given bonuses. I plan to play a lot more these next days off. Especially if I can get this Party bonus you guys are discussing (TopBuck40).

I’ve also been running hot this year in live play. Here’s the breakdown for any who care.

1/05 / Pat’s Game / +$76
1/14 / Pat’s Game / +$56
1/22 / Joe’s Game / +$10
1/30 / Pat’s Game / +$55
2/11 / Pat’s Game / +$50
2/20 / Pat’s Game / +$415
3/01 / Casino / -$15
3/03 / Kork’s Game / +$40
3/10 / Pat’s Game / -$75
4/11 / Pat’s Game / +$45
4/25 / Doug’s Game / +$20

Do my updates aggravate anyone here?
Should I just start a blog so I don’t clog up things here?
Does anyone like my updates?
What are your thoughts? Help a brother out.:thumbsup:

JDMcNugent7 04-29-06 04:11 PM

ur updates dont aggravate me - maybe a blog is a good idea - but it doesnt matter to me where u put it. looks like ur doin pretty good tho.

how does any1 sleep 18 hrs a day ??????:eek:

Nikita 04-29-06 04:14 PM

Definitely create a blog. It seems to be the "in" thing to do right now for TPF members.

ashmc2 04-29-06 05:47 PM

You take a wake break, then go back to bed:thumbsup:

Robbie Robb 04-29-06 06:30 PM

Easy: Have a kid.

Talking Poker 04-30-06 01:37 AM

Dude... that was "18" - Not "1.8." I have friends with kids, and they all look like zombies for the first year.

Boobie Lover 04-30-06 01:55 AM

One word: coma.

Reel Deal 04-30-06 02:20 AM

I get about 18 hours... per week.

Robbie Robb 04-30-06 08:22 AM

Very true, you don't actually GET 18 hours a day, you just have the ABILITY to sleep 18 hours a day. :D

melioris 04-30-06 09:10 AM


You get used to it, but it does change the way you think. For instance, we value sleep so much around here we have a saying. "Sleep, the new sex"

As for the updates, they are not annoying. That is part of what this is for. And blogs suck because they decentralize

edit-I love how you can tell how has kids around here, check to see who posts 7-9am

Talking Poker 04-30-06 01:26 PM

This was my gut reaction too, but I don't know... I think a nice combination of both might be the best solution. Keep your blogs going with all the details of anything and everything, and post highlights or reminders to check them out here from time to time.

The biggest problem is if people want to comment on something you wrtoe, where should they do it? In the blog where the owner will see it, or here, where everyone will see it and other people may comment too?

Personally, I just don't have time to surf around and read 1 or 2 (or 10 or 20) blogs every day, so it's just not going to happen. But I do by best to read every single post made in this forum. I can't speak for everyone, but that's just my take on it. So, if you want feedback, I think this is the place to post things. If you want to document your journey (more like a journal that you can keep organized and look back on), then a blog is the way to go.

So... once again, I have to think some combination of the two is probably best. But it's up to each individual, of course.

ashmc2 04-30-06 01:57 PM

I concur
I agree with you TP.

I will definitely continue to post here as often as I already do and ask my usual dumb questions. But my blog is going to document my personal poker journey. (Man, that sounded impressive.) This forum is too much help and fun not to continue.

Also I fixed my stars link for you TP.

Nikita 04-30-06 02:19 PM

Yeah, that's what I figured I would do as well.

Anytime I play, I will document the key points. I think I'm doing it more for myself than for you guys to read. And then if I need help, advice or have questions, I will post here.

I'm going to treat my blog as a journal of my poker exploits. While is where I will go when I want to socialize with other poker players.

melioris 04-30-06 02:28 PM

masochistic freak

ashmc2 04-30-06 03:08 PM

Ooohhhh Yeah
speaking of masochism

Anyone seen my ball clamps

I can't seem to find them or my Zorro cape anywheres. :thumbsup:

Robbie Robb 04-30-06 03:21 PM

This is my take on it. If I run across hands that I'm not sure about or anything like that, this is the place I head. I'll also post about on my blog but it will most likely contain a lot of bitching too. :)

One thing that makes reading a shitload of blogs easier to manage is an RSS aggregator. All websites in one handy place, nice and easy to read. That's how I read almost all my daily websites now. There's maybe a 6 websites that I vist on a daily basis (not counting my morning round of comics) but in my aggregator I've got 35+ feeds coming in. I'd have more but some of my daily visits don't offer RSS syndication (like Negreanu's blog).

Talking Poker 05-01-06 01:04 AM

Tell me about it.

See, I even read this worthless post!

ashmc2 05-03-06 12:30 AM

Just surpassed 2 grand boys. Bang. Son-of-a

Talking Poker 05-03-06 02:40 AM

Still playing $25 NL, Susie?

ashmc2 05-03-06 02:11 PM

Son-of-a, yes I suck.
I have 2 dads you and eejit. Son-of-a

Guess what I just caught you doing that you said you wouldn't have time to do? :thumbsup:

Talking Poker 05-03-06 02:53 PM

Um........ no idea. Really.

ashmc2 05-03-06 05:37 PM

Sorry about starting too many same-subject threads TP.

Hint - How did you know I was playing $25 NL?:confused:

Talking Poker 05-03-06 10:52 PM

Just guessed, since you keep saying you're too afraid to move up.

I'm still confused. Or did I say I wouldn't have time to make fun of you, and you somehow (*gasp*) took me calling you Susie as making fun of you? I really don't recall.

eejit101 05-03-06 10:54 PM

there was me thinking my swimmers were going the wrong way all these years.

gg boys

ashmc2 05-03-06 11:17 PM

you 2 suck.:D :thumbsup:

And me thinking you actually read my blog entry. Son-of-a

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