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bunny 05-11-06 12:41 PM

How's the Rep Point System work?
Curious to know how much points are given or taken out.

For instance, how many points does Shabi have right now and should we be afraid of him? :rolleyes:

BlibbityBlabbity 05-11-06 01:02 PM

As to whether to be scared of Shabi....

eejit101 05-11-06 02:11 PM

i dont get if he meant -1, or "-" 1 as in number one by that.

my rep keeps going down whatever i do though:thumbsup:

PShabi 05-11-06 03:05 PM

Basically, it works like this.

Fuck with Shabi = Get painted red

Have fun.

bunny 05-11-06 03:34 PM

What I'm asking is...

How many "bullets" in your rep gun? Enough to kill or just bruise a person? lol
(and no, I don't want to find out...tyvm ;))

TP - I've calculated how many points you might be able to give out, am I close when I say 31?

I estimated this by calculating the 180days reg(3pts), and the 500 posts(23pts). Wasn't sure what you meant by the 100points of rep so I figured there's 100 pts in every green bar(5 pts)?

As for the 25 post min count, I'm guessing you're not able to give any points out if you haven't made at least 25 posts?

Do I finally understand the rep system and how it works? Or am I totally a lost case.:o

eejit101 05-11-06 07:11 PM

eat my shit:D

Talking Poker 05-12-06 03:14 AM

You're pretty much got it, yes. Here it is again, cut and paste form the other thread (and I'll make fancy bullets so eejit can follow along too):Those are for +Rep. -Rep is equal to half of the above total.

So, let's look at bunny (everyone likes looking at bunny) for an example:

Registered less than 180 days = 0
Has made > 500 and < 1000 posts = 2 (1 for 25 + 1 for 500)
Has < 100 points of Rep = 0

So, you give 2 points of Rep with each click. Now, let's look at your boyfriend:

pshabi has been registered for > 540 days = 3
He has > 3500 < 4000 posts = 7 (+1 = 8)
He had > 500 points of Rep = 5

That's 16 total, by my count.

For -Rep, you two give out -1 and -8 respectively.

And yes, I'm somewhere in the 31/-15 neighborhood, I think. Because my Rep is weighted SO MUCH, I try to give it out pretty sparingly. I usually wait until I feel like I owe someone for a few quality posts before Super-Repping them, as I like to call it. I also don't need to "spread around" any rep before I can Rep someone again. I think I had Zy and shabi over 2 bars within a couple of days in the beginning - not that they don't deserve it!

Hopefully the rest of you guys give it out pretty liberally. You can't give out too much Rep!

bunny 05-12-06 09:05 AM

Excellent detailed post.

Three questions:

1. How 'do I know' how many points per green bar?

2. How much 'spreading around' needed in order to rep someone again?

3. Can -/+ rep be done to same person, without the need to 'spread around'? Or is it only 1 rep per person/per spreading?

ps: Sorry if I'm asking too many questions. Real interested in the Rep System, seems like a 'good thing'.:thumbsup:

eejit101 05-12-06 09:11 AM

see bold

redbank09 05-12-06 09:11 AM

i can answer the first question real quick. 100 + rep points = green bar. so, each green bar is worth 1 point. he did answer this in the last post though.

edit- eejit answered this at the same time.

eejit101 05-12-06 09:15 AM

Maybe we are both so obsessed with bunny, we strive to please?:thumbsup:

Maybe she should charge membership:D

bunny 05-12-06 09:18 AM

You're right... but I meant how does he know how many points I have or for that matter, how do I check how many points I have per green bar? (eeejit just answered it for me, oddly enough he knew what I meant by my 1st question. lol) Thanks eeejit :)

I think I'll edit my 1st question. ;)

Talking Poker 05-12-06 12:22 PM

Now for some accurate answers, if anyone is interested:

1. Hovering pver the Green/Red bars will give you the RANGE, but note that 1 bar <> 100 Rep points. If you are at +1, you'll have one green bar. If you are at + 501, you'll have 6 Green bars. If you are at 749, you will STILL have 6 green bars (I think - no one is this high yet, so I'm not certain). This is because the size of the ranges increase. The range shabi is in now is 500-749, for example. Also note that no matter how many -Rep points you get, you will only ever have 1 bar (again, I think - no one is < -100).

2/3. These appear to be the same question, so I'll answer them again. The default for this was 10, but I changed it to 5 months ago. I then changed it AGAIN - to 4- because I was getting tired of seeing 10 posts per day with people copying and pasting the "You must spread some reputation around" error message. The reason this is in place is so someone can't continuously hammer you with -Rep, like collieo would have surely done to you bunny, if he was allowed to.

I'm going to modify the above rules with two other points we haven't discussed yet:
1. If you have -Rep, your Rep hits won't count on others.
2. You can give a maximum of 25 Rep hits every 24 hours.

Quick question for bunny: Why are you so obsessed with the Rep system all of a sudden?

bunny 05-12-06 01:05 PM

I never paid much attention to it until coolie started to send me bad comments.

I've noticed that in most threads, there's always a little mention of the rep system, either someone received it for good, bad or... happy to have hit the 6 bar mark. I never knew the details to that system and was curious (wouldn't say obsessed) to understand it better. Thankyou for clarifying it for me.

ps: I'm sure most new members would be curious to know what those little green or red bars stand for. Maybe it should be inserted in the FAQ or sticky it, now that it's all detailed the way it should be. ;)

Talking Poker 05-12-06 01:20 PM

Nah, that's why we have this:

I prefer to have as few stickies as possible. If I stickied all good/interesting threads, the first page or two of each section would be all stickies. And that would be a mess.

thrash1294 05-12-06 01:21 PM

red or green does it matter? dont be obsessed with the system it is what it is:cool:

But slam Tp, phasbi ,zy and your doomed with red forever

bunny 05-12-06 01:41 PM

But the search feature only works if you know the 'keyword' in order to find a post or thread.

If a new member comes in and wants to know about the green and red bars, it would be difficult for them to find out about it, without the keyword "reputation system."

Thrash - You'd have to thrash all 3 of them in order to be doomed. If you slam one you might have a chance with the other 2. ;)

Talking Poker 05-12-06 01:46 PM

Well, I guess they'll just have to stick around a little bit until they get the hang of it, just like everyone else.

johnp158 05-12-06 06:01 PM

I guess I need to work on my post quality. I haven't gotten any rep in (tear falls) months!

eejit101 05-13-06 03:35 AM

Yup - dont mess with the big bar guys. I slam shabs a bit to often, i wake up, all of a sudden im down from 150 to about 110 points:D

Talking Poker 05-13-06 12:25 PM

I have yet to -Rep someone for slamming me... mostly because people don't do that very often, and when they do, I know it's just in good fun. 95% of my -Rep goes to people who spam in the wrong area, or get way out of line and abusive in the forum. I don't -Rep people for being stupid OR for -Repping me.

Lucky for you, eejit. :)

eejit101 05-13-06 12:31 PM

bah. Stupid? Me? Nope, just a difference of opinion:D

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