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jimmym 11-13-06 11:50 AM

Time to play again
Apart from a day in October when I played in the TP forum comp and then a couple of little SNGs, Today or now to be exact I have purchased chips on PStars, I hope Ive learned something from my few months reading poker.

Now lets see if I can turn 100 into 1k. Ill keep you posted.

Van_Broke 11-13-06 07:48 PM

Nice, what are going to be playing?
Just a heads up, the $4 180 man SNGs are total donkfests, you might want to check those out.

BrianSwa 11-13-06 08:03 PM


If you play tight aggressive poker you can cash in almost every one you play in and final table over 50% of the time. I know that sounds unbelievable but its true these players are absolutely terrible. At least half will be gone by the time 1st break gets there and they will pay you off when you have a big hand.

johnp158 11-13-06 08:07 PM

Durrr 50%! Give me a break. I don't care how bad these players are, we all know that's not true. I know of plenty of solid micro grinders who go on long streaks of not cashing in these, just like any good MTT player in any donkfest.

BrianSwa 11-13-06 08:15 PM


no its pretty true at least it has been in my case, maybe I dont have enough of a sample size. I have about 15-25 logged, but yes I think a solid player can cash in these 50% of the time. Hell after 3rd blind level you are down to about 80 players, and if you double up a couple times you are there. The average chip stack that makes it to 18 is about 15k.

they also let you in with any hand very cheap, I usually run and suited connectors or gapped connectors from ANY POSITOIN becuase they think raising blind 2x is a good raise with AA or KK when the blinds are 10/20. And they will push all in on flop regardless of what it is thinking they have you trapped. Again my sample size may not be enough but from the ones I have played I have won 4, final tabled about 8 and maybe just cashed 4. I wouldnt play them if I didnt feel they are profitable, I havent played many latley except for last week when I took one down, I want to work on big MTT's and single table playing MTT's.

edit: I just realized what I wrote in origional post, what I meant was you could cash in 50% not final table. sorry for confusion.

I think if you played 1k of these a solid player could be expected to cash in at least 500 of them, which I dont believe to be true for MTT's but these I think are different.

eejit101 11-13-06 08:33 PM

lets test it.

JD, play 1000 of these, well all chip in for the buying if you cant cover it:rolleyes:

If your setting the over/under at 500 brian, ill take the under every damn time

Van_Broke 11-13-06 08:38 PM

Agree with Brian, I don't know about 50% but I really think these are great tournies for someone on a limited roll. Like Brian said, just play a solid game, people just give you their chips if you make a hand. Another thing I have found is that the money tables play suprisingly passive. Very rarely do I encounter an aggressive big stack. What about you Brian, have you found that to be true?

BrianSwa 11-13-06 08:40 PM


wouldn't work with JD, he is used to being very very aggressive, and is used to getting people off hands at higher levels. In these the players dint fold no matter what the board is as long as they have a piece of it. JD's style of play has progressed way above this level.

BrianSwa 11-13-06 08:45 PM


you must not know me too well yet, I dont play cash tables anymore. I have blown many of bankrolls at them. I do not play money tables well at all, I take bad beats and tend to get in the I need to get the money back mindset and lose more. Now I rarely play them at all and If I do I don't play high levels at all, I don't even play money tables in Atlantic City anymore, I play tourneys and sit and go's there. But I have built bankrolls from the $4 180's before, of course I blew them on the cash games.

Like I said right now I'm trying to only play 1 tourney table at a time and only playing MTT's. All this talk of the $4 180's though are getting me interested maybe I will hit some up next time I get chance. I will start tracking them and post results.

Talking Poker 11-13-06 08:55 PM

These MAY be the best games of the internet for low rollers - I don't know one way or the other... What I do know is that Brian is full of crap with his 50% figure. That's just not gonna happen, even if you play perfectly.

What I like is Brian's supporting evidence. He's got 15-25 of these "logged" (well, which is it?) and claims "you can cash in almost every one" - uh, huh... sure. Show us some numbers. How many have you logged? 15? 18? 24? How many times have you cashed and how many FTs have you made?

No go play about 10 times as many and I'll start to think you have a reasonable sample size. Until then though, please. The only person you are fooling here is yourself.

BrianSwa 11-13-06 09:00 PM


I didn't keep writing numbers on any of them, I estimated how many I have played, I know how many I have won but not sure on the other stuff. Like I stated in the later post I will start tracking them. Maybe I was on just a good run in them, like I said my sample size is not big enough, I said that. BUT I did cash in more then half the ones I played, I will have more time next month after the holidays until right before Christmas so I will start logging some then and posting some numbers, I'm not arguing with you guys and there is a real good chance I wont cash in half I was just stating what I have done in them in the past from personal experience so calm down.

jimmym 11-13-06 09:03 PM

Sorry to but in on the what to play debate, but just a little GL would of been a nice reply to my post.:)

BrianSwa 11-13-06 09:04 PM


good luck, but the responses are actully very related to trying to build from that $100 you are putting on.

Like TP said before telling me im full of shit these are great games for a low limit player.

jimmym 11-13-06 09:06 PM

I know my response was an attempt at humour, guess I will stick to singing.

BrianSwa 11-13-06 09:08 PM


there is also another thread that someone started about stars having .50 and .25 MTT's. I checked it out tonight and the .50 top prize was like $150 or something, that might be something else to look into.

Talking Poker 11-13-06 09:08 PM

Odd how SharkScope has you having a 28% ROI (and currently being on "SuperTilt"). Don't get me wrong, that's not bad. 506 games played, $535 total profit. Is it worth it though?

Talking Poker 11-13-06 09:08 PM

GL chump!!!

Now go sing me a song.

BrianSwa 11-13-06 09:11 PM


yea I have sucked up on STT's lately. That tracks more then the 180's correct. That also includes when I qualified for the Sunday million and I just took the tourney cash and played a bunch of $25 - $35 STT's.

Don't get me wrong TP not saying anyone can do it but I think the 180's fit some people play style very well and I think that it is possible for someone to do it. When I start playing them I will let you all know so if you wish you can rail. Again wont be for little while way too much to do with work and family to commit to anything right now. Hell I might fail miserably or I may not only time will tell.

I was actully just going to concentrat on big MTT's for a little while but all this talk has kinda got me interested in doing this and honestly want to know if I'am just fooling myself or not so I will commit to this starting in December.

jimmym 11-13-06 09:15 PM

TY, atleast you got name right, 2 new songs and live gig saturday which am having reccorded so you lot can see me in action.
Plus getting paid 250 english pounds thats about six months wages in some countries.:thumbsup:

Aequitas58 11-13-06 09:33 PM


Good luck with the $100 --> $1000 goal.


Thank you for responding to IdiotSWA, you saved me the trouble... too bad you left out this:


You're so fucking dumb.

BrianSwa 11-13-06 10:02 PM


All I was saying is what had been my results in it, I said my sample size was small, I said that I could be wrong, I also said I would try it next month and see if I was wrong or not. Why am I so fucking dumb?

let me edit this before you say "you will try it next month one month isnt long enough", I will start it next month until I have logged enough of them for a good sample size.

see once we started discussing it in a forum( imagine that a actul discussion here not just name calling) I said that I think given the correct bankroll and the correct type of player it was possible.

again I say I could be wrong but was willing to give it a try to find out.

one more quote where I admited I might be wrong.

I agree in my 1st post I didnt go into great detail what I was trying to say but I do that alot on here and it gets me yelled at alot. I will start having to go into much more detail when I post because it seems like if I leave anything not totally expalined I get jumped on.

eejit101 11-14-06 12:05 AM

GL jimmy, your gig going anywher ei can watch over here?

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