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Old 12-08-04, 06:00 PM
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TajaUk TajaUk is offline

Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Leeds - UK
Posts: 263
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I am a massive Giants fan. I have watched them lots and lots of times whenever I got back to San Fran.

The main reason I go back to watch them is Bonds. I dont give two hoots about anything else as long as he entertains me.

North American "sports" aint really sports anyway, its all about TV schedules , entertinment and making wedge.

They could stop all the drug taking in Baseball very easily, just tell the players to take mandatory drug tests before games, but NO they might upset the players union and they might go on strike! Virtually no other country would tolerate this player power, America has totally lost the plot and has let this situation where cheats can prosper and win! *until recently the US atheltics team were famous for covering up positive tests, but the TV and public didnt care they wanted to see winners. Unless the public demand the sports clean and make the players do something, or they let the current situation continue and people accept cheats prosper in baseball.

If you want to see a fair sports game then go watch the local soccer games in the park.