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Old 01-03-06, 01:32 PM
Govman6767 Govman6767 is offline

Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Washington State
Posts: 216
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Your egos are way to big who cares if someone thinks your cheap
I bought a 25 dollar TV ofmy neighbor all I had to do was pick it up from his truck in the alley. Sure the picture and sound sucks and the cops are after me I GOT IT FOR 25 BUCKS WOO WOO.

I guess my point is.... well I don't have a point Buy neither do any of these posts. Some of you people are getting WAYYYY defensive like. "Don't call me cheap. Or don't call me stupid or don't call me a pedophile.....uhh"

Who cares if someone is calling you names GROW UP do you really care what a bunch of people you will never see think about you. Your supposed to be here as part of a "Think Tank" i guess Try to give out the best info you can and get some of the best info other people have to offer. Sites like this when used to the full potential can be awsome for ideas and ideological sharing. At the VERY least you could have fun with it. But NOOOOOOOO your using it to start a pissing contest because some people don't like your ideas.

GROW UP instead of trying to defend yourself to a bunch of people who don't care Start a new thread come up with something cool and innovative something ppl will talk about for a long time. Be the man...... not a bitch