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Old 10-20-04, 12:48 AM
johnbaker johnbaker is offline

Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 471
johnbaker has between 10 and 49 Rep Points

once fish are through their first couple thousand in losses, they usually get sick of poker anyways. Its better for them to donate to the poker community and take a break, then come back after they watch another couple of WPT episodes. Their plays ARE terrible, but theres no way around that. Players who suck ass like to imitate moneymaker's strategies, because he does random shit to throw off his opponents. This is basically a fish's only defense against better players, because otherwise they would just get outplayed later.... Helmouth says that "the people who like to slide all their chips in a lot are afraid to play after the flop... which is good for them because otherwise they would get picked at by the better players until they were down to nothing".

With the recent boom in poker, i dont think its even remotely possible that its popularity will stop increasing until at least 5 years from now, when people get tired of watching the same bland bet it all preflop plays in the main event of WSOP.